My parents got me a sewing machine for Christmas and have been trying to put it to good use. My first project was to put new laundry tabs on Ravenna's cloth diapers, but with that done I decided to get greener and more creative. I also needed to learn how to use my machine!

These are 21 cloth wipes I made for Ravenna's little bottom. If using cloth wipes isn't green enough for you, I made them from fabric remnants I discovered in a forsaken bin at Walmart! I had some problems with zig-zagging the sides, mostly because I am impatient and did not take the time to iron the fabric or measure correctly. Consequently all of the wipes are different sizes. By the way, what do you sewing officianados do/use to cut your fabric straight? The total project cost, including thread, is under $5 for all of them, plus I still have fabric left over for my next project: a
rag rug!

I know, I know, "Christmas is not for 9 months." I have heard it enough! My friend
Mommy Bee inspired me to make these fabric gift bags, and they have proved be a project for learning different sewing techniques, like mitering corners. I used
this site for basic instructions and then just went for it. So far I have finished three with two in the process, and more to come in all shapes and sizes. These ended up being much more time consuming than I imagined, so I kind of left off after I ran out of ribbon. My goal is to finish them by November, so I have plenty of time!
Another question for the sewing experts out there: how do you maintain your machines? How often do you oil/clean them? How do you know when you need to?