Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sorry, I had to delete the last post b/c I was getting a lot of weird stuff. Sigh. Public blogs.
Friday, December 18, 2009
New House Photos: Main Floor

This view is from the living room into the kitchen. You can see the back slider that is our main entrance and through that our tiny backyard and garage entrance. We haven't gotten around to that chandelier yet, but soon the brassy brassiness will be gone a la a can of Krylon.

I decided to include this picture of the main floor front window to show that we are on the ground floor from the back but on the 2nd floor from the front. This is due to the house being built into a hill. Our front entry actually goes right into the basement. It is hard to describe, but I will post pictures as soon as my battery is charged.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

If you haven't noticed yet, on the right side of my blog I have a list of my favorite links. Ahhh...the linky drugs. When I am feeling down in the dumps, I go read Soule Mama's blog and it makes me wish I knew how to knit, but then I feel glad because I would probably waste a lot of money on yarn that wouldn't amount to much, but I digress. When I feel the need for crafty distraction I head on over to Amy Carol's blog Angry Chicken. This woman has the best blog links! Seriously! Today I discovered this gem from the Angry Chicken which is the inspiration of this post.
Elaine, the lovely Selfish Seamstress has the ability to make beautiful, fashionable clothes BY HERSELF! With a SEWING MACHINE no less! How does she do this? From reading her blog I am getting the drift that aside from possessing magic abilities, she can sew beautiful things because she does it primarily for herself. What a concept!
I am afraid of my sewing machine. Every time I feel inspired to tackle a project I hear the voice of my sewing machine in my head saying: "you will fail you silly girl, so just leave me in my nice box and nobody gets hurt." Sometimes I fight that voice, usually to sew for someone else, and pull out the little "darling" and have an ugly contest of wills. Eventually, with dreams of sewing perfection shattered, I give up and settle for mediocrity. But, today I had an epiphany! The reason I can't sew is BECAUSE I only sew for other people! I can't say that I have ever made anything for myself.
And now, the resolution. Early though it is, my resolution for 2010 is to learn to sew with some degree of confidence and sew something lovely for myself! I expect my dear friends to hold me to this, particularly those of you who can sew.
Friday, December 11, 2009
My Life 5 Minutes Ago: Kitchen

This is my kitchen almost exactly 5 minutes ago: the pot on the stove is heating chicken stock for to make chicken soup; spoon bread is in the oven. There is gluten free cake mix on the counter for date night later ;).

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Happy Saint Nicholas Day!

So, last night Ravenna put out her shoes and this morning, look what she found:
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
At long last, INTERNET!
Sheesh! It took two whole weeks to get our Internet set up, but I am back now and I will try to get pictures ASAP. There is just so much to do with the new house AND with Christmas fast approaching, the craziness is magnified. I just hope that I can prioritize so that I can really enjoy this wonderful season.
By the way, in case you were wondering after my last post, we absolutely love our home! It is the perfect size and everything has worked out so well! I can't wait to share pictures!
By the way, in case you were wondering after my last post, we absolutely love our home! It is the perfect size and everything has worked out so well! I can't wait to share pictures!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
We are officially homeowners! I have to say that this last week was very stressful, if not horrific, at times. It seemed like anything that could go wrong, did. Today I am physically and mentally exhausted from a rough week and my new home is still a disaster of boxes and the fridge it still mostly empty. Thankfully we have some great in-laws who are feeding us tonight and our ward took care of us for a night or two. Here is a breakdown of our week:
Sunday: Lovely, as usual; the calm before the storm.
Monday: Mortgage broker goes AWOL. In our search for info we learn that we don't have mortgage approval
Tuesday: Still no word on whether or not our loan will be approved before we close Wednesday at 11 AM. Go to pick up moving truck and the rental place is closed (during normal business hours). We are rerouted to another place setting us back 1/2 an hour and as we turn into the rental place we get hit by an gentleman who just "didn't see us." Carrie loses it and turns into a weeping mess. Pick up the truck and load it without further incident.
Wednesday: 8 AM inspection of home, the approval is in but the "package" isn't. 11 AM still waiting for the package so that we can close. 12 PM still waiting (truck is due back by 5 PM). 1 PM still waiting with cranky toddler. 2:30 PM We finally close! 3:40 We own our home and start unloading. The rest of the day goes off without a hitch and everything gets unloaded on time.
Thursday: Appliances get delivered but OPPPSS! They don't fit into out laundry room. Erg. Get a stacking kit for our washer/dryer.
Friday: What happened on Friday? Lost in a haze of cardboard and packing paper.
Saturday: Neighbors help us stack washer/dryer (hurray!) and water heater goes out.
At the end of a rather crazy week we don't have a hot water and can't assemble the biggest piece of our furniture, but we have a lot to be grateful for. We are really looking forward to Thanksgiving this week and we can't wait for Andrew to get a couple days of break! I will make sure to post pictures as soon as we get our Internet hooked up.
Sunday: Lovely, as usual; the calm before the storm.
Monday: Mortgage broker goes AWOL. In our search for info we learn that we don't have mortgage approval
Tuesday: Still no word on whether or not our loan will be approved before we close Wednesday at 11 AM. Go to pick up moving truck and the rental place is closed (during normal business hours). We are rerouted to another place setting us back 1/2 an hour and as we turn into the rental place we get hit by an gentleman who just "didn't see us." Carrie loses it and turns into a weeping mess. Pick up the truck and load it without further incident.
Wednesday: 8 AM inspection of home, the approval is in but the "package" isn't. 11 AM still waiting for the package so that we can close. 12 PM still waiting (truck is due back by 5 PM). 1 PM still waiting with cranky toddler. 2:30 PM We finally close! 3:40 We own our home and start unloading. The rest of the day goes off without a hitch and everything gets unloaded on time.
Thursday: Appliances get delivered but OPPPSS! They don't fit into out laundry room. Erg. Get a stacking kit for our washer/dryer.
Friday: What happened on Friday? Lost in a haze of cardboard and packing paper.
Saturday: Neighbors help us stack washer/dryer (hurray!) and water heater goes out.
At the end of a rather crazy week we don't have a hot water and can't assemble the biggest piece of our furniture, but we have a lot to be grateful for. We are really looking forward to Thanksgiving this week and we can't wait for Andrew to get a couple days of break! I will make sure to post pictures as soon as we get our Internet hooked up.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New House Week 10

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Ravenna's Halloween 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009
New House Week 9 (Late!)

As for the house, Andrew went through and said that they are starting to remedy some of the mistakes and that everything is in: carpet, light fixtures, toilettes, etc. All that remains to be finished are having the counters replaced, correct appliances installed, and a final coat of paint which should happen pretty soon; I hope this week, but I won't get to see until the weekend.
The garage is also being fixed and the siding should go up any day now. For your enjoyment below are more pictures from our trip to California.

Friday, October 23, 2009
New House Week 8

The light oak cabinets actually look much better than I had expected them to. I think they make the kitchen look really warm and inviting even in its unfinished state. What do you think of the counter tops? We didn't pick those either BUT would you believe that they are not the ones that were ordered? Unfortunately there were a few minor construction boo-boos that we noticed while touring the house today: the wrong appliances were ordered (white and electric instead of black and gas), the vinyl flooring was also the wrong color AND the garage entry from the backyard was on the wrong side, but hopefully all those things will get fixed.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
New House Week 7

Technically the home will be done in less than four weeks, but our closing date isn't until the 18th of November. Only 5 weeks until we get to move in!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New House Week 6

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
New House Week 5

As of Monday on the exterior the porches need to be built for our lucky neighbors who get them, and the siding was about to be put up. The foundations for the detached garages were still curing in their forms but they should be up soon too. Annoyingly there are still no steps going into the house so we have to climb up or else use the 2X4 ramps that the construction works have improvised.
It looks like I will have a good spot for my garden in the front of the house. The plot is only about 3 feet deep but approximately 15 feet long and it will get plenty of sunlight. My plans are to try square-foot gardening. It is hard to imagine that in just a few weeks our townhouse will be complete!
It looks like I will have a good spot for my garden in the front of the house. The plot is only about 3 feet deep but approximately 15 feet long and it will get plenty of sunlight. My plans are to try square-foot gardening. It is hard to imagine that in just a few weeks our townhouse will be complete!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My First Quilt!

One of the great pieces of advice that Amy gave for this project is to not pre-wash the fabric because machine quilting often causes puckers. Washing it after sewing disguises these and gives it a really neat shabby-chic look which is very cute. A general review of this book is &&&/5 because this isn't really a book that I would recommend to someone who actually knows how to sew. I am guessing that a lot of the projects an experienced seamstress could just look at and know exactly how to make. Karol does have some great advice thrown in throughout the book and I do think this a great book for beginners. If you are interested definitely check with your library first.
Now I just have to give this little baby girl blankie away...but to whom, I am not telling. ;)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
New House Week 4

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
New House Week 3

This weekend should be great! We get to go to Harrisburg to our Stake Conference AND we get a new stake presidency. While we haven't been here very long, a new stake presidency is always exciting.
Friday, September 11, 2009
New House Week 2

Sunday, September 6, 2009
We Bought A House
To answer Lisa's question from the last post, Andrew did get a job and we bought a house at the end of July. While I am very excited that we found and put a deposit down on a home, the excitement has been tempered by the fact that it won't be finished until late October. Our townhome, until last week, was a pile of dirt. Now it is a pile of dirt with a foundation! Delayed gratification was certainly not what I was expecting after watching "Property Virgins" and "My First Place" on HGTV for the past year.
We wanted to buy an existing home but were unable to find one that suited our needs without having a long commute to Andrew's job. For the location and price we did have to give up on some things on our wish-list like a large back yard and a third bedroom, but with this home we do get the option of putting in a third bedroom in the future and the community has a play area for children as well as really beautiful grounds. So, I probably won't get much of a garden, but I did find a CSA nearby for next year.
Here is what the house will look like when it is finished. The small town is perfect for our needs and we are excited to begin living there.
We wanted to buy an existing home but were unable to find one that suited our needs without having a long commute to Andrew's job. For the location and price we did have to give up on some things on our wish-list like a large back yard and a third bedroom, but with this home we do get the option of putting in a third bedroom in the future and the community has a play area for children as well as really beautiful grounds. So, I probably won't get much of a garden, but I did find a CSA nearby for next year.
Here is what the house will look like when it is finished. The small town is perfect for our needs and we are excited to begin living there.
Friday, September 4, 2009
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