Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ravenna, Ravenna, Ravenna!

I have really been slacking on my "Ravenna Photo of the Week" posts so I will make up for it doing a photo-post extravaganza! Enjoy!

Ravenna helping with the laundry

So you think she is ready for solids? Right.

Ravenna loves to stick her tongue out

She still has great, big, blue eyes, but for how long?


Hannah S said...

Pretty blue eyes....ya, I thought Jocelyn was set after 6 months...but they still changed/are changing.

Jenni said...

most kids I know keep their blue eyes if they have them past 4-6ish months...but then there's my neice who they started turning brown bit by bit--first one eye (color slowly worked around the iris) then the other eye...except on the second eye it's brown for about 3/4, but still has a blue spot! They're quite striking really! LOL

I've never actually watched eyes change in my own family...I come from a family with all blue eyes (both parents, 3 of my 4 grandparents) and DH is blue-eyed too... But my sister married a brown-eyer, so I kinda watched that one... :)

Lauren C. said...

I LOVE that last picture.

What high chair did you end up getting?

Carrie said...

The Graco one that was on sale at Kmart. I didn't have that much of a choice. Kmart or Walmart.