Friday, April 18, 2008

Going Organic

I have been pondering the benefits of eating organic produce. Unfortunately the premium on organic produce has kept me away for the most part, so I have been researching ways to buy organic but not break the bank. Here are my ideas:

1) Grow it yourself: If I didn't live in Wymount I would probably do this, even in containers, but silly Wymount has banned container gardens as well.

2) Farmers Markets. Pros: This is a great way to support your community as well as buy fresh and healthy produce. Plus you can talk to the farmers as well. Cons: Seasonal and you will probably still pay more for the produce than at the grocery store. To find your local farmers market:

3) Community Supported Agriculture: This is one of my newest finds! Basically you buy a share of a farmers crop in the early spring and come summer you get a variety of seasonal produce weekly. This usually runs from June-October and costs between $300-500 to feed a family of four. Pros: Cheaper, SUPER fresh produce and you get to support your community. Cons: Only seasonal, although many recommend buying two shares so that you can preserve the other half for the winter. To find your local CSA farm:

4) Selectively buy organic: According to the Consumers Union these are the foods that contain the most pesticides and are best to buy (or grow yourself), organic. Winter Squash, Wheat, Strawberries, Green Beans, Celery, Apples, Peaches, Grapes, Spinach, Lettuce, Pears.
5) Eat more "safe" produce: These are fruits and vegetables that if washed thoroughly have less pesticide residue than most. Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Cabbage, Kiwi, Mango, Onion, Papaya, and Pineapple.
Now if you are really concerned about what you eat here is a long list of foods that this company says to buy organic. Costco is also becoming a good place to find organic foods, especially fruit. If you have any other ideas not included here please post and let me know!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

One of my mission companions buys a huge box of seasonal organic fruits and vegetables and it's mailed to her home. I can't remember if it's once a week or once a month, but it goes year round and even includes instructions on how to prepare the lesser-known items that are included in the box. She said that between her and her husband, they go through one box in time for the next one to show up. Let me know if you want more info on this! It seems like a great idea!