Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ravenna And The Twins

Nearly every week for most of the school year I babysat these cuties. Ravenna had mixed feelings at first but then grew to love their visits.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Garden(s) At The End of April

At the end of April, the first harvest: A dozen French Breakfast Radishes

The new backyard garden space: A 3X8 foot raised bed, pea trellis, a perennial herb bed and deep mulching to get rid of grass.

Currant and daikon radishes in pots. Plants being hardened off (they are now in the ground).

AND...the front garden: More strawberry plants; last years plants going crazy with berry production and a somewhat empty bed waiting for seedlings to grow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


 Look who just turned three years old;

 With cake, clapping, singing...

Lots of lovely presents...

And TONS of love!